Zuberios Mantic clamp, would ya look at it. This thing looks like a handy tool for soldering. Excited to give it a try.
Mantis Clamp by zuberio | Download free STL m ...
https://www.printables.com/model/48505-mantis-clamp/files -
(144) The 3D Printed Mantis Clamp! #3dprintin ...
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a8uzENYZ72kDamn this looks good, I've been casually keeping my eye out for something like this for quite awhile, I think this will come in handy for keeb builds. Printing one out as I post this, damn I love 3d-printing.
There are many Style Guides but this is Mine— ...
https://www.zachleat.com/web/style-guide/Zach's site looks sick colors are all on point, the fonts are so good. I really like the idea of a style-guide. I think I might be renaming my [[ sample ]] post to style-guide now.
python-build-standalone/.github/workflows/rel ...
https://github.com/astral-sh/python-build-standalone/blob/main/.github ...Astral uses just in CI, kinda cool to stumble into this setup in the wild.
run: just release-run ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ${{ github.event.inputs.sha }} ${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}
And her is the accompanying justfile. you can see how it accepts arguments, and starts calling out to other just recipes.
release-run token commit tag: #!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail rm -rf dist just release-download-distributions {{token}} {{commit}} datetime=$(ls dist/cpython-3.10.*-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only-*.tar.gz | awk -F- '{print $8}' | awk -F. '{print $1}') just release-upload-distributions {{token}} ${datetime} {{tag}} just release-set-latest-release {{tag}}
fix double slash in url · WaylonWalker/waylon ...
https://github.com/WaylonWalker/waylonwalker.com/commit/93ca7da6dd3710 ...fixing more ahrefs issues on the road to fixing all major issues within my control I found a ton of urls pointed to an url with a double slash, turns out I wasn't properly referencing slug with post.slug.
fix json schema · WaylonWalker/waylonwalker.c ...
https://github.com/WaylonWalker/waylonwalker.com/commit/deebd400e638bf ...I found that I had Structured data has schema.org validation error on essentially every single page on my blog, turns out I had made some changes and have never tried to validate it. Damn json and its hatred towards trailing commas.
Weblogging: Part 1 – David Bushell – Web Dev ...
https://dbushell.com/2024/12/09/weblogging-1/Long live RSS! Rss is not dead David, you are right there. I really agree with David that learning a topic well enough to form thoughts and write about it really help learning. You don't need to be an expert, but forming your own thoughts, putting ideas in words takes a lot more than surface level knowledge. When you try to write or speak about something you quickly realize where your holes in understanding are.
Blogging helps me learn. When I commit knowledge to writing it reinforces what I know and shines a spotlight on what I don’t. Most topics require additional research. Even then, I occasionally get things wrong, or miss different ways of thinking, and I welcome corrections. I’ll often update and enrich my posts based on feedback. Without my blog I’d miss other points of view.
As they say, the best way to get an answer on the internet is not to pose a question, but to assert the wrong solution! Most feedback I get is constructive. Sometimes it’s blunt but I try not to read into unspoken sentiment. Some people are more direct. If the end result is positive learning, I can take a hit or two.
fix: Open Graph URL not matching canonical · ...
https://github.com/WaylonWalker/waylonwalker.com/commit/0fd994b0101f72 ...In fixing a bunch of meta tags, I introduced Open Graph URL not matching canonical on every page by having trailing / on canonical and not on the
.This commit will fix the error.
2 days ago
Cotton Coder – David Bushell – Web Dev (UK)
https://dbushell.com/2024/01/24/cotton-coder/I like Davids idea for cotton coder here, reminds me a lot of [[ thoughts ]], which turns out to be mroe commonly called a linkblog. I can relate to David heavily on gathering too many side projects and soem collecting more digital dust than you would really like them to. I use thoughts for quick publishing, very similar to David's notes. I have tags and titles, but the titles are a reflection of the post I'm taking a note on. They are short and sweet, I put just enough thought into them without overthinking them. They live as a separate server hosted website, but the data gets pulled into my blog at build time, so they end up in the same place eventually.
2 days ago
valkey-io/valkey: A flexible distributed key- ...
https://github.com/valkey-io/valkeyvalkey appears to be the largest open source fork of redis that was forked just before their transition to the new source available licenses.
One notable thing missing from the readme is how to run with docker, which I saw in the valkey-py docs.
docker run -p 6379:6379 -it valkey/valkey:latest
You can install the python library with
python -m venv .venv . ./.venv/bin/activate pip install "valkey[libvalkey]"